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Lock Snapping, Prevent it -Secure your property today

Lock snapping is a method used by burglars where the cylinder in your UPVC or composite door can be snapped in half exposing the locking mechanism, this method has been used to unlawfully enter properties in Diss, Ipswich, Norwich, Bury St Edmunds and surrounding areas.

Prevent lock snapping in Norfolk & Suffolk

The type of lock that lock snapping affects is the Euro cylinder found in Upvc and composite doors that operate the multi-point locking mechanism (strip), where the lock is vulnerable because the way it is designed it can easily be snapped into two, especially if the lock protrudes past the handles more than 2 mm. To eliminate the risk of lock snapping you simply need to upgrade your cylinder lock to the new type of Euro cylinder that is snap secure, meaning even should the cylinder be attacked, the cylinder remains secure eliminating access to the multi-point locking system, ensuring your property stays locked . 

More recently burglars across the UK have resorted to using a blow torch on Upvc doors in order to heat up the lock in turn weakening the lock to make it easier to snap, This has made headlines in a national tabloid.

 Fort Cox Locksmiths & Access Control fit snap secure locks as standard and at no extra cost to the customer.
You may be surprised to learn even certain cylinders displaying the British standard kitemark are not snap secure, therefore having no protection against lock snapping.

If you think that your locks may be vulnerable to lock snapping in Norfolk / Suffolk , please contact us today and we can check free of charge. 

If you need persuading that you should be fitting snap secure locks to your doors, don’t just take our word for it: watch the video here. This is a real life situation with both snap secure and standard locks on test.

Prevent your property being burgled through the weakness of the locks on your doors by having your door locks upgraded to anti-snap or break secure cylinders.

If you require help to prevent lock snapping in Norfolk, please contact us today on 07817 243 485 for your free security check.


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