Fort Cox Locksmiths & Access control are now on holiday until Thursday 13th June.

If your enquiry is of a non urgent nature please feel free to send a message to 07817243485 or alternatively Email

Somebody will respond and your query will be answered as soon as possible.

Locksmith Thetford & Security System installers

Providing property security solutions & Locksmith Thetford.

Locksmith Thetford available 24 hours a day

locksmith Thetford offering an emergency service as well as a planned service to the local area so if you need the services of a locksmith Thetford we are here to help with Lock opening for when you have lost or broken keys in Thetford.

Lost or Broken Keys.
If your keys are lost, Locksmith Thetford can open and replace your locks should this be required without any damage to your property we always aim to be on your doorstep within 45 minutes but will always be within 90 minutes of accepting the job.
Over time keys can become weakened by wear and can sometimes snap within your lock, we have tools to remove the broken key without the need to replace the lock which will undoubtedly save you time and the expense of changing the locks.

Broken Locks.
Occasionally locks can fail, leaving you locked out or your property insecure we can open failed locks as well replace any locks that are no longer functioning correctly including jammed Multipoint locks like those most commonly found on Upvc / composite Doors.
If you notice that your lock is acting differently than normal then we strongly suggest that you get it looked at by locksmith thetford whilst it is still functioning because its far more cost effective and not to mention much less hassle than when the lock has failed completely.

Replacement Locks.
We install and replace locks too. If you have recently moved home or have been through a relationship breakdown, It is good practice to change your locks on all your final exit doors, This puts you back in control of any keys that may be in circulation for your home,
If somebody should enter your home using a key you may not be insured. Our Locksmith Thetford can install additional locks to your property for extra security or to ensure that you comply with your insurance requirements. All quotations are free of cost and obligation.

If you need a locksmith Thetford then do not hesitate to contact us today.

Locksmith Thetford

Fort Cox Locksmiths | Thetford Locksmith
Security Systems installed Thetford
Security Systems installed Thetford

Security Systems Thetford

We install and maintain security systems in Thetford, In the last 15 years we have seen the property security system evolve from a simple intruder alarm system into an all round property security system that will not just detect intrusion but much more including fire and flood detection that can be controlled by a smart phone.

We install bespoke security systems to suit your needs because every home or business and customer are different.
We can carry out a site survey to advice you how best to protect your home or business and supply you with  a competitive quote based on that survey.

Why should you install  property security systems in Thetford?

Firstly having a physical deterrent can often be all that's needed to put off an opportunist burglar, But for the more determined burglar a professionally installed security system that detects them from the moment they step onto the property they already know that the time in which they have to conduct their "business" is extremely limited and most will abandon the mission and not risk being caught. 

We also install CCTV systems, when using a Intruder alarm system combined with a CCTV system this really does make a significant difference to your property security as your now have 2 indications that somebody is around your property and gives you a chance to verify any activity and the police will take a combined attack as an emergency situation rather than a non responsive call.


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